One week to go …

One week from today, 18 boats will take to the waters for our annual friendly competition. It’s something of a recovery year, and we are so pleased that we have this many participants. And, we’re half way to our fundraising goal – can you help us get the rest of the way there?Go here: the

Dan's Knees

2020 NYARC Recap

Cancelling the 2020 Architects Regatta was tough. It’s my favorite professional networking event of the year. It is also a significant source of support for our Charity Partners, and cancelling our event in a year when they were all being faced with unprecedented challenges just didn’t feel right.To offset that, at least a little, the

Crowdrise Competition is Live!

Head over to the 2019 NYARC Crowdrise page to donate and join the fundraising competition. Proceeds benefit charitable enterprises focused on providing waterfront access and educational experiences to a wider audience of various socioeconomic backgrounds. Click here to donate!

2019 Spring Cruise

Many teams have asked about getting together earlier this year and thanks to #Steelcase we will be able to do this. The “Spring Cruise” will be held on Thursday, May 23rd at the Steelcase WorkLife showroom overlooking Central Park. Yes there will be cocktails and yes there will be some swag and yes you will have

2018 Wrap Up

The Regatta started on Sept 12 with the annual Skipper’s Meeting/Cocktail Party.  Due to construction at the New York Yacht Club, our usual venue, the pre-race festivities were held at the University Club. 185 people including participants, sponsors and donors, enjoyed an evening of cocktails, and camaraderie. We were blessed with an overcast sky but

2018 Architects’ Regatta Schedule of Events

Wednesday, September 12th The University Club, 1 West 54th Street 6:00 pm – “Skippers’ Meeting” and Cocktail Party   Thursday, September 13th Hudson River, Pier 66 at West 26th Street in Hudson River Park 9:00 am – Check in opens for NYARC Industry Regatta 10:30 am – Industry Partners First Warning Signal 11:45 am – Registration

One for the Record Books

The 2017 NYARC was a record setting success, no matter how you measure it. The Industry Partners Regatta had nine boats sailing – not quite double the 2016 IPR.  Two challenging races against the current were completed before a series of rain clouds signaled that the time had come to head to the Cocktail Party.